Vitamin infusions available (further information below):

  • Intravenous Vitamin C

  • Myer’s nutrient infusion (aka Myer’s cocktail)

  • Glutathione

  • Also available by injection: Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12

Intravenous (IV) Vitamin C

There is much research regarding the use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in cancer therapy. However, most of the research focuses on oral rather than the more effective intravenous (IV) route of administration. IV vitamin C has a significantly greater effect on immune enhancement than the conventional oral route of administration.

Oral doses of vitamin C can only achieve maximum blood concentrations of 220 micromoles per liter. At this concentration, vitamin C acts as an anti-oxidant, protecting healthy cells from oxidative stress and against some bacteria and viruses. It remains good advice to take your vitamin C at the first sign of a cold. Research shows that blood levels greater than 1,000 micromoles per liter are toxic to cancer cells . These levels cannot be achieved by taking oral vitamin C.

How IV Vitamin C Therapy Works
When given intravenously, high levels of vitamin C in the blood generate the production of hydrogen peroxide, a known toxin to cancer cells. Whereas normal cells have the ability to reduce the effects of hydrogen peroxide, cancer cells do not have the same mechanism of action in this regard.

In laboratory experiments of human lymphoma cancer cells, hydrogen peroxide exposure results in cell death. When high doses of vitamin C is added to human lymphoma cancer cells, cell death was identical and due to the generation of hydrogen peroxide from the vitamin C IV.

These experiments show vitamin C at high concentrations does not actually work as an anti-oxidant as it does when given orally at lower doses, but as a pro-oxidant. Pro-oxidants cause cancer cell death due to the low levels of anti-oxidant properties present in tumor cells. Vitamin C at high doses only acts as a pro-oxidant, similar in mechanism to some cancer medication therapies but without the toxic side effects. We offer this additional treatment in conjunction with a patient's chemotherapy regimen.

Benefits of IV Vitamin C Therapy 
Who can benefit from high dose intravenous vitamin C? Research shows that IV vitamin C prolongs survival times and improves quality of life in cancer patients. It shows that intravenous vitamin C at high doses, used in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation, kills cancer cells in the early stages of the disease. Research has shown that using the Vitamin C concurrently with chemotherapy or radiation will not decrease the effectiveness of these treatments, in fact some physicians recommend giving it on the same day as the chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment. In addition,vitamin C intravenously is not an antioxidant; it is a pro-oxidant and, therefore, seems to augment the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation.

For more information see research published by US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health @; also see University of Kansas Integrative Medicine Center website   Additionally, see article,  and also go to this link for a fascinating film of one patient's story:

Side Effects of IV Vitamin C Therapy
There are very few side effects associated with high doses of intravenous vitamin C. A very small percentage of the population has a deficiency in the enzyme known as Glucose-6-Phospate Dehydrogenase, or G6PD. This enzyme is found in the blood and is necessary for the production of glutathione in red blood cells. Glutathione is a powerful anti-oxidant and is able to reduce hydrogen peroxide in the protection of normal cells. A simple blood test is used to determine the presence of this enzyme.

High dose vitamin C is contraindicated in patients with an iron overload disease. It is also contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency or renal failure, or those undergoing dialysis.

Myer's Nutrient Infusion

A Myer’s Nutrient Infusion, also called a Myer's Cocktail Infusion (MCI), is a specially balanced combination of vitamins and minerals to help the treatment of a wide range of ailments and to increase energy. Ingredients include: Vitamin B-5 (Dexapanthenol), Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride), Vitamin B-12 (Methylcobalamin), Vitamin B-100, Magnesium chloride, Calcium gluconate, and Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).  

Dr. John Myers, the Maryland physician, originally developed the nutrient infusion 40 years ago, and further modified by his successor, Alan Gaby, MD more recently. People use Myers’ Cocktail Infusions (MCI) to overcome health obstacles, or as part of a wellness regimen.  At Integrative Health, the MCI is formulated specifically to match with individual’s condition and needs. Generally, a weekly or bi-weekly infusion over the course of one to three months or a longer period are given.

People all over the world have been using the MCI to help treat a broad spectrum of health conditions including asthma attacks, acute migraine headaches, depression, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies, allergic rhinitis, cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, angina, chronic hives, hyperthyroidism, dysmenorrhea, It improves athletic performance, stamina, and promotes the healing of many other conditions and disorders.  Most people experience an increased in energy, improved mind clarity, decreased depression and anxiety, improved mood, faster recovery times, and less illness.

Some people who know they tend to get sick when they fly or travel, will take a MCI preventatively, before and after a trip, and/or other stressful life event. It helps prevent colds and flu.  Catching viruses is not simply about being exposed to them, as we know, but happens when our bodies are getting run down and thus becoming susceptible to the disease causing germs.   We all are commonly exposed to these pathogens every day, but do not necessarily succumb to them, because cellular health is strong. Therefore relatively healthy patients choose to receive periodic Myers Cocktails because they find it enhances their overall well being for periods of a week up to several months. Intravenous delivery is a very efficient way for the body to receive vitamins, especially since many people have a somewhat troubled digestive system. If your digestive tract is functioning at just a fraction of its optimal state, then only a fraction of the vitamins you ingest from food and supplements are absorbed into the body. The Myers’ nutrients are delivered right into your bloodstream and available for direct cellular use.

The legendary French chemist, researcher and the “father of microbiology” M. Louis Pasteur (1882-1895), is well known for the discovery of pasteurization, a process that kills the germs that spoil foods.  Pasteurization has saved countless lives for over 100 years.  But, even Pasteur acknowledged how our physical condition makes the difference, saying: “The Bug is Nothing; the Terrain is Everything”. Human beings are the Terrain, and not everyone gets sick. You can help improve your ‘Terrain’ with Myers Cocktails.  

The MCI promotes healing and replenishes energy. It provides vitamins and nutrients directly to the cells, bypassing the GI tract. It is composed of nutrients that are recognized as commonly deficient or involved in a variety of pathologies and disease states. This potent solution is a specially balanced combination of vitamins and minerals to help the treatment of a wide range of ailments and to increase energy. Ingredients in the Myers’ Cocktail include: Vitamin B-5 (Dexapanthenol), Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride), Vitamin B-12 (Methylcobalamin), Vitamin B-100, Magnesium chloride, Calcium gluconate, and Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).  

The intravenous (IV) administration of nutrients can achieve serum concentrations not obtainable with oral, or even intramuscular (IM) injections. The risks of this procedure are very minimal, similar to that of any procedure that breaks the skin or enters a vein and may cause local irritation or bruising.

All ingredients are individually measured at each appointment, and are drawn into a syringe of warmed sterile diluents to an appropriate osmolality of the solution. After gently mixing by turning the syringe a few times, the solution is administered over a period of 15-30 minutes (depending on the doses of minerals used and on individual tolerance) through a sterile single use butterfly needle. Doses are different for elderly and frail patients.  Doses for children are reduced roughly in proportion to body weight.


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and immune system stimulant. Found naturally in the body, produced by the liver, glutathione is made up of three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamate. It is involved in synthesis of DNA and proteins and reducing levels of free radicals. It is given IV as therapy for many conditions including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, neurodegenerative disorders, liver disease, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, cancer therapy and prevention, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, asthma, atherosclerosis, cataracts, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis, diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, hepatitis, high cholesterol, infertility, Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. It helps with osteoarthritis, memory preservation, and enhancing athletic performance. Intravenous glutathione is the most effective way to restore depleted levels. Use of oral glutathione supplements may cause cramping and bloating and are not well absorbed because glutathione is a very large molecule, a tripeptide.  It can be a difficult process for oral Glutathione to be broken down in the gut, and then be reassembled within the bloodstream before it can be utilized.    

Maintaining optimal levels of glutathione is essential to health. Glutathione has a key role in antioxidant defense, immune system enhancement, synthesis of DNA and improving the body’s function of reducing and eliminating unhealthy chemicals, heavy metals, molds, toxins and pathogens, which have found their way into our bodies, whether through a recent exposure or absorbed over years.

Glutathione deficiency and depletion contributes to oxidative stress, which in turn influences the development of many modern disease states.  Studies are currently underway and glutathione shows promise in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders, colitis and for cardiovascular health.

*Payment for the office visit is made at time of service, by check, cash or credit card. There is an additional 3% charge added to credit card billings. Some fees may be reimbursable by your health insurance if you submit your superbill receipt to your insurance. For more information, please see our Financial Policy and check with your insurance.